When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power...

on Tuesday, October 29, 2013

    A young African American woman steps in to protect a nazi.June 22, 1996. A dozen members of a self-anointed and unwelcome KKK group came to Ann Arbor to hold a thumb-in-your-eye rally at City Hall. A protest group, the National Women's Rights Organizations Coalition (NWROC) formed to oppose them. After the rage had been mounting for awhile, this simpleminded redneck wandered up, wearing a Confederate-flag T-shirt. The crowd tore off after him, he fell, and the mob pounced. Keshia Thomas, horrified, threw herself over him to stave off the angry blows. Moments earlier, Thomas, 18, had been in the NWROC group, shouting at the KKK. It was a heroic and passionate moment in a crazy afternoon, well captured in these photographs.

Source: imgur


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